


Who says professionalism and cuteness cannot coexist in fashion?

HUNLO, a professional oven brand, was formerly known as Zhixing Food Machinery and was established in 1989. It is a well-known professional bakery equipment manufacturer in Taiwan with years of experience.

HUNLO strives to provide the utmost respect to Taiwan's baking profession. Through continuous technological updates, research, and development, HUNLO aims to break free from traditional limitations.

This year, HUNLO has introduced the brand "HUNLO" to highlight the glory and spirit of local manufacturing in Taiwan. The inspiration comes from the Taiwanese pronunciation of "oven," which is "tian-hang-lôo." The term "HUN” represents baking and popularity, while "LO” emphasizes the brand itself. HUNLO is committed to providing professional-grade equipment and structures that bring joy and unlimited fun to every baking enthusiast. It is an opportunity to embark on a new "baking" journey full of therapeutic healing, both for those who are starting to explore baking and those already on the path.

In order to achieve customization, HUNLO has specially designed a professional-grade oven called the "Wansui Magenta Microcomputer-controlled Professional Oven." This product truly embodies the resilience, optimism, and creativity that the brand envisions for the new year. The vibrant and inspiring burgundy color represents vitality, passion, courage, and hope. It aligns perfectly with the brand's core concept, showcasing a sense of rejuvenation and strength. With 33 years of establishment, the brand has evolved once again, presenting a new and improved image that closely caters to the needs of professional bakers. HUNLO aims to provide more comprehensive and professional baking solutions, making a stunning debut in the industry.

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